Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Customers Allege Oppenheimer Committed Fraud

Gregory Baines Iglow (CRD#: 2783963), who has been a registered representative of Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. (Los Angeles, California), disclosed on Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) BrokerCheck that he is referenced in a July 11, 2018 FINRA arbitration #18-02493. The Oppenheimer customer raised allegations of negligent supervision, breach of fiduciary duty, breach of contract, common law fraud, omissions, misrepresentation, unsuitability, violation of California’s Elder Abuse statutes, and violation of California Securities Act. The customer’s claims of misconduct pertain to investments in Puerto Rican bonds. A total of $300,000.00 in damages has been alleged by the customer in the pending matter.

According to FINRA BrokerCheck, allegations of Iglow’s sales practice violations are referenced in seven consumer-initiated, investment-related disputes. According to two July 17, 2014 complaints, customers of Oppenheimer alleged that omissions were made about municipal debt investments when they were purchased by the customers. The customers also contended that the investments were inappropriate given the customers’ ages and health conditions. The customers demanded a combined $324,482.90 in damages. Oppenheimer denied the customers’ allegations.

On December 17, 2009, civil suit #BC427035 was filed by an Oppenheimer customer concerning Iglow’s sales practices. Apparently, the customer contended that auction rate securities had been misrepresented, and omissions were made regarding those securities. The customer’s matter was settled for a total of $3,164,250.00 in damages on March 16, 2011.

Additionally, a consumer-initiated arbitration #09-05195 was filed on October 12, 2009. A customer who held assets with RBC Capital Markets Corporation and Oppenheimer accused Iglow of placing the customer in unsuitable corporate bonds. Apparently, the issuer of those bonds filed for bankruptcy, causing the customer to sustain losses. On May 14, 2010, the arbitrator found Iglow liable for negligence, omission of facts, non-disclosure, misrepresentation, breach of fiduciary duty, fraud and unsuitability. The arbitrator ordered Iglow to pay the customer $17,121.00 in damages.

In a March 6, 2009 complaint, an Oppenheimer customer alleged that Iglow was dishonest with the customer in reference to the customer’s Fannie Mae corporate debt investments. The customer’s claim was denied by Oppenheimer on April 15, 2009. Iglow was additionally subject of an April 7, 2003 complaint where a Prudential Securities Incorporated customer claimed that Black Rock Income Municipal Income Trust Fund investments had been misrepresented. Prudential Securities Incorporated denied the customer’s matter on May 16, 2005.

If you have suffered losses as a result of investing with Gregory Baines Iglow or another Oppenheimer broker, call the Law Office of Peter M. Spett at (561) 463-2799 for a free consultation concerning your legal rights and claims. Peter M. Spett has extensive experience recovering investor losses.